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SDS: Recruitment Agency
specialising in recruitment services for japanese speaking job seekers in Singapore

Are you planning to hire NATIVE JAPAPESE or JAPANESE SPEAKING staff?
We can help you acquire the right candidate!

19 November 2015

Vol.145 (En)

Please contact us at 9672-0104 or send email to (Mr. Terunuma)

Separate star staff from the rest

The recent study found that stretching work goals, taking initiative and being resilient are some of the traits that tell best employees from the good ones at work.

The study was conducted by leadership development consultancy Zenger Folkman, spending over five years covering more than 4,000 employees.

It reveals that "best" performers show distinctive leadership behaviours with 43% more productive than the average.

These are the findings to tell the star staff:

1) Best employees set stretch goals and adopt high standards for themselves, while average workers focus on doing it quickly, which leads more work in the end.

2) The best workers characterised working collaboratively and fostering teamwork as most necessary. On the contrary, average contributors find problem-solving and possessing professional expertise as the most important attributes.

3) Volunteering to represent the group was also an important trait of best employees as they see it as a chance to network and learn beyond the scope of their individual role.

4) Star employees also take the initiative instead of waiting for direction going beyond their job description. They stay accountable, following up on all other commitments they make to the team.

5) Researching before making decisions, and understanding consequences is a rule for star employees.

6) Best employees do not dwell on other people's errors while most people overreact to their mistakes at work.

7) Genuine leaders offer suggestions based on what has helped them in the past. In other words, they do not criticise others so much as support people.